Monday, September 26, 2016

Assignments for 9/26 - 9/30

Monday, 9/26
HW: Read 30; Word Voyage lesson 2; Book Commercial on Wednesday

Tuesday, 9/27
HW: Read 30; Word Voyage lesson 2; Book Commercial on Wednesday

Wednesday, 9/28
HW: Read 30; Word Voyage lesson 2 due Thursday before you leave!

Thursday and Friday
Enjoy your trip! Don't forget to pack a book! :)

Book Commercial Assignment

(Have fun with this!)
How to Advertise Your Book
  • To get readers excited about a book, author, series, or genre

Getting Ready
  • Make sure you have read the ENTIRE book. Return to a summer read if necessary.
  • Choose a book or series you think your peers will enjoy.
  • Consider how you will capture your classmates’ interest.
  • Write down page numbers or mark pages you plan to share with the class during your presentation.

During the Commercial
  • _____/5 Show the cover of the book to your peers. If you no longer have the book, get a color copy of the cover and share that. Mention title, author and genre as well as if it is part of a series.
  • _____/5 Start with a captivating lead - hook your audience.
  • _____/5 Explain why you chose to share this particular book.
  • _____/5 Tell just a bit about the book, but don’t spoil it by giving away too much information.
  • _____/5 Make connections to other characters or authors.
  • If possible, mention other books by the same author or other books in the same series.

Public speaking/Presentation reminders
  • Make eye contact with your audience.
  • Maintain a pace that is neither too slow nor too fast.
  • _____/5 Demonstrate your enthusiasm - since this is a commercial, you are trying to sell your book! Again, consider how you will capture your audience’s interest.
  • Keep it short and sweet - your commercial should last two minutes.

Total _____/30 points

Monday, September 19, 2016

Assignments for 9/19 - 9/23

Monday, 9/19:
Read 30, Word Voyage

Tuesday, 9/20:
Read 30, Word Voyage

Wednesday, 9/21:
Read 30, Word Voyage

Thursday, 9/22:
Read 30, Word Voyage due Friday

Friday, 9/23:
Read 30

Word Voyage!

This week we begin our regular vocabulary practice using an online resource, Word Voyage at

To log in, students should use the following credentials:
school id: tcs
username: first initial followed by last name (for instance, Barack Obama would log in as bobama)
password: vocabulary

Each lesson will be assigned on Monday and be due back on Friday. Students may work at their own pace and even work ahead. At the end of each unit, however, there will be a unit test, so don't get so far ahead that you forget the words from the early lessons.

Happy learning!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Assignments for 9/12 - 9/16

Week 2

Monday, 9/12:
HW - Read 30

Tuesday, 9/13
HW - Read 30

Wednesday, 9/14
HW - Read 30, read "Nothing Gold Can Stay" (Frost) and annotate

Thursday, 9/15
HW - Read 30, Bring a tech device for typing (if you want), bring The Outsiders.

Friday, 9/16
HW - Read 30; letter essay in reader's notebook due Monday (if you prefer to type your letter, it must be printed, cut out, and attached to the reader's notebook by class on Monday or it will be considered late)

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Want to live longer? READ!

Here's the study I mentioned in class today - reading just 30 minutes a day could add years to your life!

Summer Reading Selfie Instructions

In framing your selfie, focus on the book’s cover.  It is up to you how much of your face you want to show, but please let us all see the book clearly!

For easy printing from any computer, upload your photo to Google Drive. If the JPG is larger than 4x6 (or roughly a quarter of the page), insert it into a Google Doc and size it down. We want to keep the images on the small side so everyone’s will fit on the board.

Have fun!


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Assignments for the First Week of School 

Wednesday, 9/7:

  • Share and sign the classroom expectations letter.
  • Take a "summer reading selfie" (This is a picture of you and a book you read this summer: it's up to you how much of your face you show, but please show the book title clearly. Print no larger than 4x6, please.) Due FRIDAY.
  • Read 30 minutes.
Thursday, 9/8:
  • Begin decorating your writer's notebook with images and words that are meaningful to you. Cover the entire composition book, front and back. Due MONDAY.
  • Read 30 minutes.
Friday, 9/10:
  • Finish decorating your writer's notebook with images and words that are meaningful to you. Cover the entire composition book, front and back. Due MONDAY.
  • Read 30 minutes. 

Monday, September 5, 2016

Dear 7th Grade Readers and Writers,

Welcome to our year of thinking and growing together. From classic novels to graphic novels, from haikus to reviews, we are going to immerse ourselves fully in English language and literature and stretch our thinking in dynamic ways. I can’t wait!

This year, our class will take the shape of a workshop, which means that most days, you will have a great deal of choice in what you read and write about. You will delve deeply into books you care about and writing assignments of your interest, and we, as a class, will be your support team, asking questions and suggesting paths to answers. With this great choice in the direction of your learning, however, comes great responsibility. Below are my expectations for our shared time together:

Come to class prepared. Be prepared to “give me five” every day.  In other words, you must always bring to class the following: 1. Writing implement, 2. Homework, 3. Books, 4. Planner, 5. Binder. Stay on top of homework every single day. We will take class time to write assignments in planners, and weekly assignment sheets will also be available on my blog. In other words, there is no excuse to miss a deadline, be it large or small.

Come to class ready to engage. This is your most important job. Not only will you learn more if you are participating, but you’ll have more fun doing it. Remember that participation comes in many forms, from class discussion, partner work, thoughtful letter essays to me in your reader’s notebook, or even a quick email or post-it with a question.  Please see me if you are having a hard time finding your voice in class; I would love to help.

Come to class ready to think about your own learning AND that of those around you. From coming in quietly and ready to work to having the self-control to not talk over your friends, this classroom will be a productive, safe space for learning.

I am so thrilled to be on this journey with you.


Mrs. Liu