Friday, May 12, 2017

Romeo and Juliet - Soundtrack Project Details

Romeo and Juliet Soundtrack Project

Assignment: Create a soundtrack consisting of 10 songs that represent specific moments (scenes) from Romeo and Juliet.

  • Written component: Liner notes explaining each song choice based on a theme, character, or tone of Romeo and Juliet
  • Visual component: An album cover design that sets the tone for your soundtrack and reflects the greater mood and themes of the play

Timeline: Due in time for in-class presentations on Wednesday, May 31st. You will present 3 of your best songs and liner notes (along with your album cover).

You will be evaluated on the thoughtfulness of your song choices, your ability to explain your thinking with specific citations from the play, the effort demonstrated in your album design, and your presentation to the class.  This assignment will be worth 150 points.

Sample Liner Notes:
"I Gotta Feeling", by The Black Eyed Peas
This song connects with the Capulet's party in Act I. The mood at this point in the play is excited and anticipatory, and so is this song. Benvolio, trying to cheer Romeo up, encourages him to go to the party by saying, "But in that crystal scales let there be weighed/Your lady's love against some other maid/ That I will show you shining at this feast,/And she shall scant show well that now seems best" (I.ii.98-101). Benvolio hopes the party will show Romeo that Rosaline isn't worth all his pathetic moping, and life should be fun. 

A few reminders:
  • No songs with explicit lyrics
  • No songs from West Side Story or other Romeo and Juliet soundtracks

I am so excited to see your creative thinking (and your knowledge of Shakespeare) at work in this project!

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